The Japanese Association for Studies in English Communication
日本英語コミュニケーション学会 本部事務局
日本英語コミュニケーション学会 関東支部
〒169-8050 東京都新宿区西早稲田1-6-1
Association Headquarters & Kansai Branch
c/o Division of International Affairs
Kansai University
3-3-35 Yamate-cho,
Suita City, Osaka 564-8680
Kanto Branch
c/o School of International Liberal Studies
Waseda University
1-6-1 Nishi-Waseda
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050
JASEC について
我が国では、長年にわたり、外国から情報・知識を入手する手段として主に英語が重要な役割を果たしてきました。そして、国際化が急速に進み、経済大国と なった日本に積極的な国際貢献が求められている今日、日本人には事実上の世界共通語となった英語を能動的に用いて、明確な意思表示を行うことが期待されて います。
1991年9月 設立
1996年9月 日本学術会議登録
2005年10月 本部を関西学院大学に移動。関東支部を早稲田大学に置く。
2009年10月 本部を早稲田大学に移動。関西支部を関西大学に置く。
2013年11月 本部を関西大学に移動。関東支部を早稲田大学に置く。
2017年10月 本部を早稲田大学に移動。関西支部を関西大学に置く。
● Purpose
The English language has long functioned in Japan as an important tool for gathering information from abroad. Today, with internationalization proceeding at a rapid pace, Japan is being called upon to make a positive contribution to the global community more in keeping with its status as an economic superpower. The result is that the Japanese are increasingly expected to be able to express themselves clearly and purposefully in what has to all intents and purposes become the world’s common language.
The Japanese Association for Studies in English Communication (JASEC) was formed with the primary aim of examining and devising practical solutions to the various problems attendant upon meeting this challenge. In addition, the Association maintains a strong interest both in the role of translation/interpretation and in English-language education. It is the Association’s hope that its activities will promote the development of more effective and systematic methods of language acquisition among the Japanese.
● History
September 1991: JASEC established with headquarters at Waseda University in Tokyo and a Kansai Branch located at Kinki University in Osaka
September 1996: JASEC registered with the Science Council of Japan
October 2005: Headquarters transferred to Kwansei Gakuin University in Hyogo; Kanto Branch located at Waseda University
October 2009: Headquarters transferred to Waseda University; Kansai Branch located at Kansai University in Osaka
November 2013: Headquarters transferred to Kansai University in Osaka; Kanto Branch located at Waseda University
October 2017: Headquarters transferred to Waseda University; Kansai Branch located at Kansai University in Osaka
JASECは、その活動として、年次大会及び定例研究フォーラムを開催し、紀要の"THE JASEC BULLETIN"を発行します。
JASECは、その活動として、年次大会及び定例研究フォーラムを開催し、紀要の"THE JASEC BULLETIN"を発行します。
(A) 年次大会及び定例研究フォーラム
定例研究フォーラムは、関東地区と関西地区において、それぞれ開催されます。関東地区で実施される定例研究フォーラムは、原則として、3月、6月の最終土 曜日の午後に早稲田大学で開かれます。また、関西地区では、原則として、毎年2回程度、関西大学又は関西学院大学で開催されます。
(1) 送り手・受け手英語コミュニケーション領域
(a) 口頭コミュニケーション区分
(b) 文章コミュニケーション区分
(2) 媒体英語コミュニケーション領域
(a) 通訳コミュニケーション区分
(b) 翻訳コミュニケーション区分
(3) 英語コミュニケーション教育領域
(a) 中学・高校英語コミュニケーション教育区分
(b) 大学英語コミュニケーション教育区分
"THE JASEC BULLETIN"は、原則として、毎年12月に発行されます。主として、年次大会、定例研究フォーラムにおける研究発表・報告に基づいた論文及び研究ノートで構成されますが、一般会員からも原稿を募集します。
● Activities
The Association holds an annual conference, sponsors regularly scheduled research forums, and publishes The JASEC Bulletin as the official record of its proceedings.
(A) Annual conference and research forums
The Association convenes its annual conference in every October. In additon to a general meeting of the Association's membership, conference activities including lectures, symposia, and the presentation of papers.
Research forums sponsored by JASEC headquarters are held at Waseda University on the last Saturday of March and June. The Kansai Branch sponsors similar forums at Kansai University or Kwansei Gakuin University approximately twice a year.
Research categories and subdivisions:
(1) English and the communicative process
(a) Oral communication
(b) Written communication
(2) English as a communicative medium
(a) Interpretation
(b) Translation
(3) English-language education and communication
(a) English-language education at the secondary-school level
(b) English-language education at the university level
(B) The JASEC Bulletin
The JASEC Bulletin serves as the official record of the Association’s activities and is published in December of each year. The Bulletin contains papers based on those presented at the annual conference and research forums, as well as peer-reviewed papers submitted by the JASEC membership at large.